
Friday, October 3, 2014

Fuck The Facts - Abandoned EP Review

Fuck The Facts - Abandoned EP

1. Endless Emptiness
2. Disabused
3. L'impasse

If you're a fan of Fuck The Facts then I really don't need to convince you to get this because you already know the quality grind that will be blasting out of your speakers when you hit play. But for those of you that are new to this legendary Canadian experimental grind outfit, "Abandoned" is a 3 track EP filled with older, but newly recorded songs that were written as far back as 12 years ago. L'impasse actually began as the first song they had written for their "Die Miserable" album. "Endless Emptiness" and "Disabused" however, were actually even older demos that were written back in 2002. But for whatever reasons, these songs were 'Abandoned' from the finalized "Die Miserable" album.
Now, Fuck The Facts is most certainly not your stereotypical grind band. With songs lasting much longer than thirty seconds and straying from the well-worn path of pure blast beats these tracks are much more progressive and groovier than your typical grindcore release. The songs on this EP definitely takes multiple listens to be able to hear everything. There are so many things happening that it's impossible to take everything in at once. However, this is NOT a setback. It makes things interesting and keeps every listen fresh. All in all, this is a strong release with a very relevant sound that just goes to show how well the members of Fuck The Facts can write quality grind that never sounds boring or dated.
This is also a first for the band, in that it was released on their very own brand new label Noise Salvation Records. "Abandoned" is also but 1 of 3 new releases from Fuck The Facts that are coming soon! So keep up to date with em!

Stream the full EP here:

Purchase the EP on cassette here (LIMITED):

Purchase the digital version: